Binxy Baby Hammock

After weeks and weeks of changing diapers, non-stop breastfeeding and quarantining ourselves to avoid the peak of flu season; I am showing new mom's how to add some fun back into our lives!
Okay, I'm not trying to be dramatic and all but let's be honest... new mom life can feel unglamorous in the beginning especially when you're preoccupied with keeping another human alive and even a shower in the day becomes a vacation. Well, baby is past her 3 month mark and it's time to rise and shine girlfriends!
Getting out of the house, becoming more active and wait for it, going out in public by yourself!
This past weekend I finally got to use my Binxy Baby Hammock!
Seriously though, I have a smile on my face as I'm writing this to you. I can't stop laughing because Ever Aila is too stinkin' cute and was totally just chilling the entire time at the grocery store. I swear it was like she was the Princess of San Diego and everyone was oo'ing and ahh'ing at her. Here's the thing, to even think about trying to fit a car seat in a shopping cart gives me straight up anxiety. I mean shopping carts vary in size and getting the car seat out, lugging it to the shopping cart only to find out it won't fit?! ::cue the sweating::
Honestly, this Binxy Baby Hammock can not only hold your babies car seat in place you can also forfeit the carseat entirely and just let your baby sit back and relax and take in the world!
See below Ever Aila totally being a little snuggle bear at the store. Like I said, I can't stop smiling and seeing how easy this was to maneuver gives me the confidence to be able to run errands in style and have fun doing it!

Ever Aila in the Binxy Baby Hammock - Full Bloom style.

 Now you can follow @ever_aila on instagram.
"Watch out world, here I come" --Ever Aila